A service of the national registry of online fraud prevention.
Have you been scammed?
Do not be alarmed. You are one of the millions of citizens every year who has been scammed. Fill out the form below to include your scam in our global database and alert other potential victims to the dangers of your scam. is a service of the national registry of online fraud prevention, which does not exist. In fact, this entire website is a joke, which you would understand if you actually read the questions in the form. We thought about making it a content marketing piece for a cybersecurity company, but honestly that felt icky. So here it is; just a joke on the internet, which you are now part of. Congratulations. You should probably tell your grandkids about this. They'll get a kick out of it and maybe share on TikTok or something.
(c) 2022 by the National Registry of Online Fraud Prevention