From the makers of YouveBeenScammed. A service of the national registry of online hacks prevention.
You clicked that link? At this point, you’ve gone so far down the rabbit hole that there’s no point in turning back. Malware? You have all of it by now. You really shouldn’t be allowed near a computer.
However, there is a solution. Maybe. It might work, but frankly, we don’t offer any guarantees for people like you.
There’s a new service available from the makers of that trains n00bs to protect themselves against real online threat actors. Most people who complete the full training program find a 96% reduction in getting spammed and a 94% reduction in getting hacked. It isn’t foolproof, but we already know that you’re a fool so we’ll just have to see how this goes.
This training program is so secure that it doesn’t even have a website. Simply tweet your credit card details (#, expiration date, and security code) to and we’ll be in touch to set up your free trial soon. is a service of the national registry of online fraud prevention, which does not exist. In fact, this entire website is a joke, which you would understand if you actually read the questions in the form. We thought about making it a content marketing piece for a cybersecurity company, but honestly that felt icky. So here it is; just a joke on the internet, which you are now part of. Congratulations. You should probably tell your grandkids about this. They'll get a kick out of it and maybe share on TikTok or something.
(c) 2022 by the National Registry of Online Fraud Prevention